Nadler: Louie Gohmert’s Speech ‘Russian Propaganda’

Nadler: Louie Gohmert’s Speech ‘Russian Propaganda’

December 18, 2019

Impeachment-obsessed House Judiciary Committee member Jerry Nadler had the gall to declare a speech by Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert “Russian propaganda” on the House floor Wednesday, and Gohmert rightly erupted in anger.

During his remarks, Gohmert called the impeachment process an attempt by Democrats to thwart the Justice Department’s investigation “into the corruption of Ukraine interference into U.S. election in 2016.”

“You said it was about this terrible Russia collusion,” he said. “When that fell through, it was about emoluments, it’s about bribery, it’s about extortion. It’s changed, but one thing hasn’t changed and that’s the intent to impeach this president. It’s always been there.”

Nadler then expressed that he was “deeply concerned that any member of the House would spout Russian propaganda on the House floor.” He immediately recognized another Congressman to speak. Gohmert stormed back to the dais to demand Nadler remove his words from the record.

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