Moore: We Need Moratorium on Gun Sales — ‘Time to Repeal the 2nd Amendment’

Moore: We Need Moratorium on Gun Sales — ‘Time to Repeal the 2nd Amendment’

May 25, 2022

Tuesday on MSNBC Prime, propagandist filmmaker Michael Moore predictably exploited the mass shooting at a Texas elementary school on Tuesday, to argue that America needs to repeal the 2nd Amendment in response.

Moore said, “We will not acknowledge that we are a violent people, to begin with. This country was birthed in violence with genocide of the native people at the barrel of a gun. This country was built on the backs of slaves with a gun to their backs to build this country into the country that we got to have. We do not want to acknowledge or two original sins here that have a gun behind the ability behind our ability to become who we became.”

It’s hard for normal people to imagine this kind of vicious hatred that boils inside Moore.

He added, “I think we need some really drastic action here. We need a moratorium, perhaps, on gun sales. Who will say on this network or on any other network in the next few days it is time to repeal the Second Amendment? You cannot say that. Well, why not? Why not? I truly believe if Jefferson, Madison and Washington if they all knew that the bullet would be invented — some 50 years after our revolution, I don’t know if they would have written it that way. They didn’t even know what a bullet was. It didn’t exist until the 1830s. They had any idea that there would be this kind of carnage. You have to believe that the Founders of the country would not support it. I support all gun control legislation. Not sensible gun control legislation. We don’t need the sensible stuff. We need the hard-core stuff that is going to protect ourselves and our children.”

Moore doesn’t care about protecting our children. Nor does he care what the Founding Fathers would think. What he cares about is disarming the law-abiding citizens of the United States and removing the Constitutional barrier to state tyranny.

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