Michelle O’s Latest Book ‘The Light We Carry’ Due this Fall

Michelle O’s Latest Book ‘The Light We Carry’ Due this Fall

July 22, 2022

Former First Lady Michelle Obama announced on Thursday that she will have another book out this fall, The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, which will offer pearls of wisdom “on navigating an increasingly stressful world.” Sounds riveting.

This is her first book since 2018’s Becoming, which inexplicably sold more than 17 million copies worldwide, surpassing the sales of any memoir by a previous first lady or modern president, including her husband, Joe Biden‘s puppet master Barack Obama.

Included in the announcement by Random House Publishing is a sample of her thoughts from the introduction: “I’ve learned it’s okay to recognize that self-worth comes wrapped in vulnerability, and that what we share as humans on this earth is the impulse to strive for better, always and no matter what. We become bolder in brightness. If you know your light, you know yourself. You know your own story in an honest way. In my experience, this type of self-knowledge builds confidence, which in turn breeds calmness and an ability to maintain perspective, which leads, finally, to being able to connect meaningfully with others — and this to me is the bedrock of all things.”


A spokesperson declined to discuss financial terms for The Light We Carry, which will be released on Nov. 15 simultaneously in 14 languages and 27 countries. Mark your calendar.

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