Matthews Says Dems ‘Don’t Scare Trump’ on Impeachment

Matthews Says Dems ‘Don’t Scare Trump’ on Impeachment

June 14, 2019

On MSNBC’s Hardball Thursday, host Chris Matthews complained that President Trump is unafraid to say things like he would accept “dirt” on political opponents from foreign powers, because the Democrats refuse to follow through on threats to impeach him.

“I mean, it really does seem like – I see one angry Democrat, leading committee chairs all come out with outrage, and two days later, the story is forgotten,” Matthews complained. “Trump is home free. He is having dinner and hamburgers up at the White House, enjoying life with Melania and laughing at you guys because nobody actually does anything.

“You won’t impeach. What else you got in your arsenal? You won’t impeach,” he added.

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