Maher Tells Far-Left O’Rourke Critics to ‘Shut the F— Up’

Maher Tells Far-Left O’Rourke Critics to ‘Shut the F— Up’

March 19, 2019

HBO host Bill Maher declared in a social media post Monday that his “far left friends” criticizing Democratic 2020 hopeful Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke for keeping his wife silent during his campaign announcement video should just “shut the f**k up.”

“I see Twitter got made because Beto’s wife didn’t talk during his announcement,” tweeted Maher. “You’re right, he’s a sexist monster, we’re better off with Trump. To my FarLeft friends: you’re doing it again. Amy can talk or not, her call, but you need to shut the f**k up.”

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