Maher on SCOTUS Ruling in Favor of Catholic Foster Agency: Most of SCOTUS is Catholic

Maher on SCOTUS Ruling in Favor of Catholic Foster Agency: Most of SCOTUS is Catholic

June 22, 2021

Friday on HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher reacted to the Supreme Court’s 9-0 ruling in favor of a Catholic foster agency in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia by stating that the court siding with Catholics wasn’t surprising because most of the court’s members are Catholic.

After discussing the Supreme Court dismissing a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, Maher said, “But on the other side of the ledger, the court sided with the Catholic Church. Big surprise, most of the court’s Catholics. They sided with the church, who believe it is their right not to work with gay parents to help adopt children. The church says their position has always been very plain, if children want to be around gay adults, they can become altar boys.”

The Catholic Church sexual abuse issue aside, Maher has just perpetuated the left’s fear-mongering smear that Catholic believers on the Supreme Court would turn this country into a theocracy — this despite the fact that Democrats love to tout the Catholic faith of hypocrites Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

Maher himself is a raging atheist who regularly ridicules people of faith as stupid bigots.

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