Maher on Matthews Departure: ‘Cancel Culture Is a Cancer’

Maher on Matthews Departure: ‘Cancel Culture Is a Cancer’

March 9, 2020

Friday on HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher defended former MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who recently “retired” in the wake of his own #MeToo accusation, declaring that “cancel culture is a cancer on progressivism.”

“MSNBC used to run this thing, ‘This is who we are.’ Well, I didn’t like who you were this week, and I don’t think a lot of people who work there liked this either, and I think this cancel culture is a cancer on progressivism. Liberals always have to fight a two-front war. Republicans only have to fight the Democrats. Democrats have to fight the Republicans and each other,” Maher said.

Maher went on to defend Matthews for various politically incorrect statements he made which drew criticism and outrage from the left.

He then conceded that Matthews’ comments about various women’s looks were “creepy.” But he also sarcastically compared Matthews’ accuser to Rosa Parks and wondered if she is “a compliment victim or a compliment survivor?”

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