Lee: No Gun Safety Laws Violate Integrity of the 2nd Amendment

Lee: No Gun Safety Laws Violate Integrity of the 2nd Amendment

May 30, 2022

Friday on CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) argued falsely that expanding background checks, putting waiting periods on assault weapons, and raising the age to purchase assault weapons to 21 or 25, “do not violate the integrity of the Second Amendment. In fact, no gun safety laws do so.”

Jackson Lee stated, “I have worked with Sen. Cornyn [R-TX]. I hope that the backdrop of these children, these precious children who cannot hug teddy bears anymore or Legos or run around the playfield [sic], I hope that will be what will be — he’ll be listening to and not — as I said — the bullying gun lobby.”

Fact check: blaming the “bullying gun lobby” for mass shootings in America is nothing but demagoguery and demonization.

“If he does that, there are many compromises that I think can be affected,” the unhinged, brainless bully Sheila Jackson Lee continued. “There’s 90% support, and I believe amongst membership of the NRA, for a universal background check. And what that means is that you close the gun show loopholes.”

Fact check: there are no gun show loopholes.

“So, there might be a compromise on a waiting period to purchase the assault weapons or raising the age to 21 or I’ve heard 25,” she added. “Those initiatives do not violate the integrity of the Second Amendment. In fact, no gun safety laws do so. And the false arguments about an attack on the Second Amendment, you know, you can’t change constitutional amendments with the flick of an eye. And so, what we need to focus on is what is real.”

What is real is that the integrity of the Second Amendment absolutely is compromised by these increasingly restrictive gun laws, none of which will prevent another mass shooting. But preventing mass shootings isn’t the aim of Democrats like Lee — gun confiscation is.

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