Klain: ‘Historic Decline’ in Gas Prices is a Victory For Biden

Klain: ‘Historic Decline’ in Gas Prices is a Victory For Biden

August 9, 2022

Monday on CNN’s The Lead, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain said with a straight face that “far from jacking up the price of gasoline, we’ve brought it down” over the summer in a “historic decline,” thanks to President Biden telling oil companies to lower their prices.

Klain said, “The president’s having victories over those special interests. That’s going to bring prices down. I remember at the start of the summer, the President said, as the price of oil goes down, the price of gas needs to go down. He put it right to the oil companies. Every single day this summer, the price of gas is down. It’s down well over a dollar. We’re going to see today, the average price of gas fall to $3.99. The most common price of gas in America now is $3.79. So, by taking on these special interests, taking on these powerful interests, we’re making progress on inflation, we’re making progress for working families.”

This is astonishingly blatant gas-lighting of the American people (or at least of the 50 Americans who watch CNN). The Biden administration was the reason the gas prices were at record highs in the first place. Now we’re supposed to be grateful to Uncle Joe that the prices are coming part of the way back down? Two years ago, under Trump, gas prices were half what they are now, even with this so-called “historic decline.”

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