Kerry: Trump Gives ‘Free License to Bad Actors in the World’

Kerry: Trump Gives ‘Free License to Bad Actors in the World’

August 20, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, former SecState John Kerry claimed the Trump administration has “given free license to bad actors in the world to be able to be disruptive,” saying Trump “welcomes disruption.”

“President Trump’s unwillingness to say anything about Russian activities from the interference in our election to their activities in other parts of the world is having a negative impact on standards and expectations,” lifelong traitor Kerry declared. “Donald Trump has been breaking norms of every kind but not without consequence, and the consequence of this is to create the wild, wild west out there. Everywhere.”

“We began in the Obama administration to establish some basic principles for the rules of the road for cyber, and our intention clearly was to have the next administration continue that,” he added. “But this administration has done nothing about it. And they’ve given free license to bad actors in the world to be able to be disruptive. Donald Trump welcomes disruption.”

Trump’s “America First” vision triggers Kerry, because he and Barack Obama sought to diminish America’s role on the world stage and empower our enemies.

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