John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special representative on climate change, met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday for an impromptu meeting on “the climate agenda” in India, according to Breitbart News.
Kerry and Lavrov met in New Delhi, India, on Tuesday at a hotel lobby. “The two ran into each other by happenstance staying at the same hotel and chatted for a few minutes about climate,” the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi claimed in a statement.
“The envoys focused on the climate agenda,” according to an unnamed source, but neither side disclosed details, so it’s unclear how Russia can contribute to Kerry’s crusade against so-called climate change. Russia emits only 5% of the world’s carbon dioxide, 1/3 of America’s output and less than 1/6 of China’s.
Kerry’s top priority as climate envoy at the moment is to organize a “virtual climate summit” for the Biden administration, for which Kerry was currently visiting India. Washington hopes to convince the heads of state of 40 countries to participate in the event.
The meeting occurred as Russian troops and weaponry amass on the border of civil war-ravaged Ukraine, alarming American allies. But hey, American troops will be tied up fighting climate change anyway, so Russia has nothing to fear.