Thursday on CNN’s New Day, critical race theorist and Progressive literary darling Ibram X. Kendi mused about what would have happened in Columbus, Ohio if knife-wielding black teen Ma’Khia Bryant, shot by police a split-second away from stabbing another black teen girl, had been a “16-year-old white girl in a wealthy suburban neighborhood.”
“So when I look at that video, I ask myself, if that would have been a 16-year-old white girl in a wealthy suburban neighborhood, would the police officer have sought to disarm this girl?” Kendi pondered. “Would the police officer have sought to talk her down? Would the police officer … have used lethal force? And it’s hard for me to believe that that would have happened. It’s hard for me to believe that that officer would not have responded differently for a different girl in a different community.”
If that officer had responded differently in the Bryant incident, the black teen killed would likely have been the girl at whom Bryant was lunging with a knife. Kendi is disgustingly accusing the cop of shooting Bryant not to save an innocent black life, but because he is a white racist. This is how race hustlers like Kendi unconscionably exploit black deaths to get wealthy pushing a radical agenda.