Kendi: Rittenhouse Case Means More Guns Brought to Protests

Kendi: Rittenhouse Case Means More Guns Brought to Protests

November 24, 2021

In an interview with WBUR’s Here and Now on Monday, race-hustler and Critical Race Theory enthusiast Ibram X. Kendi argued that the recent acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse will “cause more people to want to bring weapons to peaceful protests and claim self-defense if they end up killing someone.”

Of course, Rittenhouse didn’t bring a rifle to a peaceful protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin that night in 2020. He brought one to the scene of fiery destruction being perpetrated by what the media called “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters, and he justifiably claimed self-defense because three violent, white BLM supporters tried to kill him.

Kendi said, “I think that is one of the greatest worries that I have and I know many people have expressed over the last few days, and really over the last few months and years, and that is that somebody who has worked with or praised white supremacist organizations can bring an AR-15 to an anti-racist demonstration, people could seek to disarm that person in fear that they would harm somebody and then that person who brought the AR-15 can shoot to kill and then claim self-defense and be exonerated.”

Lies. Rittenhouse did not praise or work with white supremacist organizations. In fact, he has declared himself a supporter of BLM. The men Kendi refers to were not “seeking to disarm” Rittenhouse so he wouldn’t hurt anyone, but were trying to kill him — they even told him so. Rittenhouse did not shoot to kill, but to stop his attackers.

“And I think that’s what people fear. Because that’s going to cause more people to want to bring weapons to peaceful protests and claim self-defense if they end up killing someone,” Kendi concluded.

That’s not what Kendi fears. What he fears is that Americans now will be empowered to defend themselves against the violent radical leftists and the anti-American destruction Kendi supports.

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