Kaine: ‘We Still Won the Popular Vote’ Despite FBI, Russia

Kaine: ‘We Still Won the Popular Vote’ Despite FBI, Russia

November 8, 2019

In an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday, Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 running mate Tim Kaine commented on polling which showed that President Trump would lose the 2020 election to Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden in battleground states but would beat Biden’s competitor Elizabeth Warren in those same states.

“I read those polls with some concern, although I’ve had the concern for a while — a concern that the Democrats disappointed about 2016 and we should be, would overcorrect,” Sen. Kaine said, according to Breitbart News.

“We did win the popular vote in 2016, for a third term, which is tough, with a woman nominee, which is tough, in the face of both the FBI and Russia, which is tough. We still won the popular vote. We need to make some changes, but we don’t need to scrap everything.”

Of course, the electoral college renders the popular vote meaningless, which is why bitter Democrats are hell-bent on scrapping the electoral college system.

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