Kaine Says ‘Hatred’ is Behind Government Shutdown

Kaine Says ‘Hatred’ is Behind Government Shutdown

January 22, 2019

On Twitter Monday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) suggested that “hatred” is behind President Trump’s insistence on a border wall with Mexico, Democrat resistance to which has led to the current government shutdown.

“If you turn on the TV right now,” said the failed former vice presidential candidate on Martin Luther King Day, “you’re more likely to hear the words ‘wall’ or ‘shutdown’ than ‘justice’ or ‘dream.’ On a day when we ought to be reflecting about the dreams Dr. King had, we’re instead talking about the 31st day of shutdown and the hatred that compels it.”

Kaine went on to reference the Berlin Wall, neglecting to mention that it was built not for border security but to keep people from escaping.

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