Claiming that “structural racism” makes the coronavirus outbreak worse for blacks, unemployable NFL player and national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick has created the “Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 Relief Fund” to provide relief to affected minorities.
“Structural racism makes Black & Brown ppl more likely to die from #COVID19,” Kaepernick wrote on Twitter. “We’ve launched the Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 Relief Fund to directly impact the disproportionate effect #coronavirus is having on our communities.”
“Black and brown communities are being disproportionately devastated by COVID-19 because of hundreds of years of structural racism,” he added in a video posted to social media Thursday. “That’s why we’ve established the Know Your Rights Camp COVID-19 Fund to help address these issues,” he added.
The notion that “structural racism” even exists in America is race-mongering, leftist nonsense. But without its Racial Victim Narrative, the left has nothing.