Jordan Slams Nadler Over School Board Domestic Terrorist ‘Plot’

Jordan Slams Nadler Over School Board Domestic Terrorist ‘Plot’

March 17, 2022

Speaking at the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) slammed Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) over his handling of an investigation into the National School Boards Association (NSBA) letter dated September 29, 2021 asking the Biden administration to investigate parents as “domestic terrorists,” as Democrats try to “pass this bill which is going to codify the whole plot.”

The House Judiciary Committee is considering H.R. 350, the “Domestic Terrorist Prevention Act.”

The NSBA was asking the Biden administration to “treat parents as terrorists,” Jordan said. He argued, correctly, that the letter was “asking the Biden administration to use the PATRIOT Act against moms and dads.”

“Maybe most importantly,” Jordan continues, “we learned that the National School Boards Association didn’t really initiate this whole thing. The Biden administration went to them.”

“Emails that we’ve now seen show the Department of Education first went to the School Boards Association, said ‘Write the letter to us, give us the pretext so we can do what we want to do, namely go after parents,’” he said. “So it was a plot, it was a scheme, it was a plan, started first with the administration, not with the School Boards Association…

“Here we are today with a bill that is going to codify, in effect, what took place that the chairman refuses to actually have any more hearings on,” Jordan charged of Nadler.

Nadler attempted to defend the NSBA, saying, “Well, they made a mistake and they apologized for it and nobody’s taken any action on the basis of it.”

“The person who hasn’t taken action is the Attorney General of the United States has not rescinded the memo and the action that he put in place. That’s what’s warranted. That’s why we need him back here to answer the questions,” Jordan shot back. “Things he said in that committee hearing that turned out not to be accurate, and we need him to rescind the memo and stop whatever’s gone into place. And the last thing we need to do is to pass this bill which is going to codify the whole plot, and plan, and scheme they initiated last fall.”

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