Jesuit School Removes PP From Student Resource List

Jesuit School Removes PP From Student Resource List

October 17, 2019

The decision of the president of Seattle University (SU), a Catholic Jesuit school, to remove Planned Parenthood from its list of student healthcare resources has sparked protests from some students, faculty, and alumni.

According to Breitbart News, about 1,000 SU students, faculty, and alumni have protested the decision by Father Stephen Sundborg, S.J., declaring in a letter that said they “firmly denounce the administration’s removal of Planned Parenthood from advising resources.”

The letter added that protesters are “frustrated with administrative decisions that do not consult or reflect the beliefs of your students.”

“We’re a public Catholic institution…” Sundborg said in a letter to the community. “I made this decision, consistent with my own and other presidents’ previous practice, in my responsibility to publicly represent our university as Catholic and in reflecting the central teaching of the Catholic Church regarding abortion — specifically as a significant moral issue — and not any other services provided by Planned Parenthood.”

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