Jeffries: ‘Systemic Racism Has Been in the Soil’ for 400+ Years

Jeffries: ‘Systemic Racism Has Been in the Soil’ for 400+ Years

May 3, 2021

Saturday on MSNBC’s Cross Connection, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries said that America is a “great” nation that has “come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. Systemic racism has been in the soil of this country for over 400 years, and we still haven’t crushed this cancer, and we need to.”

“I’m not quite sure what got into Tim Scott,” said Jeffries, referring to black Sen. Tim Scott’s Republican rebuttal to President Biden’s address to Congress last week. “I mean, he was parroting classic Republican talking points. Yes, this is a great country. We know this. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. Systemic racism has been in the soil of this country for over 400 years, and we still haven’t crushed this cancer, and we need to. And so, Tim Scott was a little bit out of pocket with respect to his response. But hopefully, rationality will be regained by him as we continue to engage in these discussions and we can get this [police reform] over the finish line prior to the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder.”

So many fact checks to add here… First, George Floyd was not murdered. The murder trial proved Floyd died of a drug overdose, but police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of his murder anyway because of jury intimidation and the threat of political violence that would tear the country apart if there were no conviction.

Second, Scott was not “parroting” GOP talking points. Scott is a Republican and a patriot, and nothing aggravates the left like black conservatives going off the Democrat plantation and rejecting leftist talking points about systemic racism.

Third, this country has not been systemically racist for over 400 years (another Dem talking point). The United States did not exist over 400 years ago, or even 300, or 250 years ago. This country was founded in 1776 on principles that led to the eradication of slavery and the civil rights movement — the gains of which have been destroyed by Democrat racists who have a vested interest in rejecting MLK’s dream of a color-blind society.

Fourth, there is now no systemic racism in the United States. The Democrats themselves cannot point to it, because it doesn’t exist. But leftist race-mongers like Jeffries desperately push this narrative because they need it in order to seize and maintain power.

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