Jayapal: People Need Free Trade School, Free College to Get Infrastructure Jobs

Jayapal: People Need Free Trade School, Free College to Get Infrastructure Jobs

August 17, 2021

Friday on MSNBC’s MTP Daily, radical leftist Rep. Pramila Jayapal argued that we have to pass both the bipartisan and reconciliation bills because if jobs are created through an infrastructure bill, but “we don’t allow people to get free community college and trade school education, they don’t get to get those jobs.”

“So, listen, the deal has always been the Democratic agenda, President Biden’s agenda that he laid out to the House in February and that we all ran on and won on,” Jayapal claimed.

Fact check: the Democrats didn’t win the 2020 election on the strength of their agenda. They stole it through massive voter fraud.

“And so, what we have always said is, progressives are absolutely committed to delivering on the entire agenda. Because if we create jobs through an infrastructure package, that’s great. But if we don’t allow women to get child care, they don’t get to get those jobs, if we don’t allow people to get free community college and trade school education, they don’t get to get those jobs. So, if we are going to build back better, we have to do all of these things at the same time,” she added.

Democrats like Jayapal and their media enablers at MSNBC are pushing a fantasy agenda in which making education “free” and redefining “infrastructure” to mean “social justice” will somehow magically create a prosperous jobs boom. They’re lying. To socialists like Jayapal, “build back better” means building an ever-expanding government leviathan which will create not jobs, but economy-killing government dependence for everyone (except those at the top — like Jayapal).

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