Jayapal: Infrastructure Bill is About ‘Transitioning to a Clean, Green Economy’

Jayapal: Infrastructure Bill is About ‘Transitioning to a Clean, Green Economy’

April 28, 2021

At a Washington Insider Network 100 Day Town Hall on Saturday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal admitted that President Biden’s so-called infrastructure bill — less than 6% of which involves building roads, bridges, and tunnels — is focused more on “transitioning to a clean, green economy” than physical infrastructure.

“If you’re going to create jobs in the infrastructure space, you want to make sure that women and men are able to go back and get those jobs and you need to have child care in place, you need to have college in place, you need to have health care in place so people are actually able to get back into the working environment,” Jayapal blathered.

“So we combine the two and call it a jobs bill because I think we should say what it’s about. It’s actually about infrastructure; it’s about jobs,” she continued.

“It’s about creating millions of green jobs, creating a climate resilience corps, creating jobs that are tied to public transit, making sure that 40 percent of the investments that are made actually go to frontline communities and, electrifying our grid, and transitioning to a clean, green economy.”

Two takeaways here: 1) “infrastructure” means whatever Democrats want it to mean — everything but what it actually means; and 2) the bill is a Trojan horse for the left’s green “Great Reset” to socialism.

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