Jayapal Continues to Stall Biden’s Spending Agenda

Jayapal Continues to Stall Biden’s Spending Agenda

October 27, 2021

Far-left Rep. Pramila Jayapal told reporters on Monday evening she would continue to stall President Joe Biden’s massive spending agenda until her radical demands are met.

Jayapal and her caucus remain holdouts until both the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package and the $1.2 trillion “bipartisan” infrastructure are voted upon immediately after one another. Democrat leadership has floated the idea of voting on the “bipartisan” bill with only a framework in place for the reconciliation package. But allowing one measure to pass without a vote on the other would reduce the leverage the far-left has worked to maintain. The legislative text of the package is important to the far-left because it would guarantee that radical provisions be included.

“As Sen. Manchin said, you don’t really know everything that’s in here until the text [of the reconciliation package] is drafted. And my understanding is that we’re pretty close on the text, so let’s just get it right, let’s get it done,” Jayapal said. Hopefully we can do it within a week at the most.”

“Obviously there’s two senators we have to get full agreement from,” Jayapal added about Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). “We’re really close, and I think if we can just take another week and finalize all these details and get the language done and vote [on] both the bills. I think we’ll be in good shape.”

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