ISIS Plotting Xmas Attacks in Europe in Revenge for Cartoons

ISIS Plotting Xmas Attacks in Europe in Revenge for Cartoons

December 4, 2020

At an online International Security Week conference based in London, a former MI6 operative who spied on al-Qaeda has warned that an Islamic State leader is coordinating attacks on Europe over the Christmas holiday in revenge for the republishing of Mohammed cartoons.

Former terrorist bombmaker-turned informant Aimen Dean told members of the security and policing professions  that plans to commit terrorist acts are being hatched in Islamist-held areas of Libya and northern Syria, and are being coordinated by Abu Omar al-Shishani.

“The worry is that, according to people who know him, [Shishani] is planning to avenge the Prophet Mohamed cartoons in places like Germany, UK, France and all around Christmas time,” Dean said. “I’m afraid I’m not bearing good news but we need to be worried about the wave of terror that is coming from northern Syria and Libya for Christmas this year.”

Dean warned that the Islamists would be sent from Syria via Turkey or across the Mediterranean from North Africa to Europe, taking advantage of the lifting of lockdown restrictions over Christmas to launch terror attacks.

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