Howard Stern Calls Bernie Sanders ‘Karl Marx Jr.’

Howard Stern Calls Bernie Sanders ‘Karl Marx Jr.’

March 5, 2020

On a recent edition of SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show, legendary shock-jock Stern referred to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as “Karl Marx Jr.” and expressed skepticism that the Democratic Socialist could beat President Trump in a general election.

“The coronavirus is [a] pandemic, pandemic, pandemic, so this person said to me, ‘What are you going to do? What are you going to do?’ Stern said. “I’m not doing anything. I’m more concerned Karl Marx Jr. is going to get the Democratic nomination.”

When Stern’s co-host identified “Karl Marx Jr.” as lifelong communist Bernie Sanders, Stern replied, “Yeah! Listen, if a Democrat wants to win, against Trump, we can’t have Karl Marx Jr. [because] Karl Marx Jr. ain’t going to win the general election. What they need is a good strong moderate to be the candidate.”

That “strong moderate” is shaping up to be Sanders’ gaffe-prone rival Joe Biden, a corrupt, creepy, inveterate liar who doesn’t stand a chance against Trump in November.

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