Holder: GOP Illegitimately Creating ‘Electoral Apartheid’

Holder: GOP Illegitimately Creating ‘Electoral Apartheid’

July 24, 2023

Friday on MSNBC’s Deadline, former Attorney General Eric Holder claimed laughably that Republicans were using “illegitimate power” to create a governing structure supported by “America electoral apartheid.”

Holder said, “A three-judge panel ruled before the last election that what Alabama had done was inappropriately dilute the power of black citizens in Alabama and nevertheless, because the Supreme Court reached down staying that opinion, people in Alabama voted on a map that was declared violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965. We go into court, and we try to move things along as quickly as we can and yet, we end up with the result that I have just described.”

He continued, “Republicans have proven quite crafty in ways in which they have tried to do undemocratic things. You know, they’re all about the retention, the acquisition of and retention of power. Even if it’s illegitimate power, they will use that to keep themselves in power.”

I believe Holder’s statement is what is called “projection”: accusing others of that of which you yourself are guilty.

Holder added, “So there’s a variety of things Republicans have done to hold onto power illegitimately. I think too many in the Republican Party have made peace with the notion that they are going to be a minority party that exercises majority power. They are okay, in essence, with an American electoral apartheid. That’s where one of our two great parties now finds itself.”

As they say, denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is not Republicans but Democrats who have seized and continue to hold power illegitimately. Holder is a lying ideologue who lusts for power, like everyone at every level in the Biden administration and in the Democrat party.

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