Holder ‘Frustrated’ Obama Didn’t Encourage His 2020 Hopes

Holder ‘Frustrated’ Obama Didn’t Encourage His 2020 Hopes

November 26, 2019

Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder is reportedly “frustrated” that his former boss Barack Obama did not more enthusiastically support his presidential aspirations for the 2020 election.

“He was really frustrated about having arrived at the decision not to run,” a source told Politico. “Holder couldn’t get in because [Joe] Biden and Holder have the same set of people. Once Biden was getting in, then Eric couldn’t get in. So that frustrated Holder.”

“It blocked him,” the source continued. “And Biden has turned out the way they all feared, and that’s really frustrating to Eric,” who considered Obama a close friend. The source added that Holder is “still pretty sensitive about it.”

Obama has also refused to endorse his former VP Biden, whose only advantage against his competitors was his connection to Obama. According to Politico, Obama sees his role as “providing guardrails to keep the [Democrat nomination] process from getting too ugly and to unite the party when the nominee is clear.”


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