Hirono: Trump Creating ‘Chaos in the Middle East’

Hirono: Trump Creating ‘Chaos in the Middle East’

January 7, 2020

Monday on CNN’s The Situation Room, Sen. Mazie Hirono claimed that President Trump is causing “chaos in the Middle East” to distract from his impeachment.

“I conclude that there is ongoing chaos within this administration…” Hirono said. “I don’t think that there is an end game that this administration thought about, because this is the way that the president makes his decisions. And here we are with chaos in the Middle East. We are sending close to 10,000 more troops into the Middle East. Where they are going to be stationed, we don’t know. We are sending B-52s, and rather than de-escalating the tensions that are already there I think we have done the opposite.

“I think that the president is so concerned about the impending impeachment trial that this is a heck of a way to distract us, and using basically the lives of our troops and not to mention the civilians in this area.”

The Democrats won’t acknowledge that it is Iran sowing chaos in the Middle East and killing Americans in the process. Their “end game” with Iran is appeasement.


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