Hillary: Trump About to Be ‘Canceled’ by Voters

Hillary: Trump About to Be ‘Canceled’ by Voters

October 1, 2020

During MSNBC’s coverage of Tuesday’s presidential debate, failed candidate Hillary Clinton opined that President Trump’s reality “series is about to be canceled” by the American voters.

“Look, I think that his big advantage of having been a so-called reality TV star and then in having been in people’s living rooms on their TVs for a number of years before he ran has pretty much run its course,” the bitter, power-mad Hillary claimed. “I think his series is about to be canceled. It’s just the same story over and over again, lying with impunity, attacking when you have nothing to say, unable to give an answer that is frankly coherent.

“So I think that Joe knows all that,” she continued. “I know the people who have been working with him and preparing him, they’re well aware of how President Trump behaves on a stage. But I think the American people are also aware of it. And, you know, you can only lie so many times. You can only try to avoid responsibility so many times. When finally, people are going to be looking at each other saying we’ve seen this before, and we are not buying it this time.”

On the contrary, the voters are about to renew his series.

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