Hillary Praises Biden’s Russia Response as ‘Well-Executed’

Hillary Praises Biden’s Russia Response as ‘Well-Executed’

February 25, 2022

Friday on MSNBC’s propagandistic Morning Joe, twice-failed presidential candidate and corrupt traitor Hillary Clinton lauded President Joe Biden’s non-response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, laughably calling it “well-executed.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Hillary what she thought of “Biden’s response so far in terms of getting collaboration from our allies, as well as messaging the strategy to the nation.”

“Well, Mika, I think that it has been well-executed,” replied Hillary who, if rumors are to be believed, admittedly knows a thing or two about executions. “There is no doubt that we were not in a position just a few years ago to rally anybody, and now with President Biden rallying NATO, rallying not only western Europe and eastern Europe but far beyond those borders, to understand the very real threat that Vladimir Putin poses, and then to begin imposing sanctions that will ratchet up. I think that is exactly what he should be doing.”

Apart from the fact that Putin has already proven to be undeterred by sanctions, the very reason he felt empowered to occupy Ukraine in the first place is because the White House is occupied by a decrepit, feckless old man who needs handlers to point out which door to exit. The invasion never would have happened while former President Trump was in office.

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