Hawley Proposes Bill to Promote Patriotism, Ban CRT in Schools

Hawley Proposes Bill to Promote Patriotism, Ban CRT in Schools

July 26, 2021

Sen. Josh Hawley introduced legislation Monday to promote patriotism and fight back against the corrosive Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in American schools.

“Over the past year, Americans have watched stunned as a radical ideology spread through our country’s elite institutions—one that teaches America is an irredeemably racist nation founded by white supremacists,” Hawley wrote in a statement. “Now it has found its way into our children’s schools. We cannot afford for our children to lose faith in the noble ideals this country was founded on. We have to make sure that our children understand what makes this country great, the ideals of hope and promise our Founding Fathers fought for, and the love of country that unites us all.”

Hawley introduced the Love America Act, a bill that would require all schools that receive federal funding to ensure students can read and recite America’s founding documents. It would also prohibit funding from schools that teach those documents came from white supremacy or racism. The legislation would also require students to read the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Pledge of Allegiance, and have students recite portions of these texts.

Bravo. It’s long past time for Republican leaders to fight this divisiveness and racism with everything they’ve got.

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