Harris: Trump Responsible for Coronavirus ‘Body Bags’

Harris: Trump Responsible for Coronavirus ‘Body Bags’

April 17, 2020

In a Vice interview on Thursday, failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris declared that President Trump is responsible for coronavirus “body bags” piling up across the country because he abandoned “the role of the president of the United States.”

“There is no question that if we’d had a president in charge who actually took their responsibility seriously, that we would probably be looking at a lot less damage than we have incurred,” Harris stated. “We watch every day the number of people infected and the number of people who are dead. We are every day hearing and watching stories about body bags. So, look, the buck stops with the president.”

Harris insisted that Trump “abandoned his role of leadership” and “the role of the president of the United States” in dealing with the pandemic, that he “trivializ[ed] the… importance of social distancing” and ignored “science.”

The grandstanding Harris, whose campaign never caught traction among her own fellow Democrats, is now campaigning to be Joe Biden’s vice president pick by trying to pin the pandemic on Trump.

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