Hagel: Trump’s Words Make The Atlantic Piece ‘More Credible’

Hagel: Trump’s Words Make The Atlantic Piece ‘More Credible’

September 7, 2020

Sunday on ABC’s This Week, former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel claimed that President Trump’s past comments corroborate The Atlantic article’s outrageous lie that the president called Americans who died in war “losers” and “suckers.”

“My reaction is, if these comments are real, and I’ll address that in a second, but if they’re real, it’s beneath the dignity of any commander-in-chief,” Hagel said. “Truly they’re despicable.” He went on to concede that “these are anonymous sources,” but then pointed to Trump’s biting criticism of John McCain and Generals Mattis, McMaster, and Kelly as examples of how “the history of this president over the last three, four years is pretty clear.” He also slammed Trump for not attending a 2018 ceremony in France honoring the American World War I military.

“He’s on the record with saying things himself over the past few years,” Hagel added. “And that makes the credibility of this article and those anonymous comments more and more credible.”

The Atlantic claim is an insupportable lie and everyone knows it. No president since Reagan has been more pro-military than Trump. The Democrat Party, on the other hand, has made denigrating the military and the propagandizing demonization of its political opponents integral to its identity.

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