Gun-Grabbing O’Rourke Launches TX Gubernatorial Run

Gun-Grabbing O’Rourke Launches TX Gubernatorial Run

November 17, 2021

The Texas Tribune reports that failed presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke officially launched his Texas gubernatorial run against Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Monday, and he is pledging, again, to take away everyone’s AR-15 rifles.

“I think most Texans can agree… that we should not see our friends, our family… our neighbors, shot up with weapons that were originally designed for use on a battlefield,” O’Rourke declared, similar to when he announced during the September 12, 2019, Democrat debate, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

The Tribune reports that Abbott has already dubbed the Democrat “Wrong Way O’Rourke” for his proposal to take AR-15s via a government-mandated “buyback.”

O’Rourke also opposes Gov. Abbott’s support of constitutional carry for handguns, which the latter signed into law, making Texas the 21st constitutional carry state in the Union.

Good luck with that winning, totalitarian message, Beto.

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