Gore: Job Number One is to Stop Using ‘Sky as an Open Sewer’

Gore: Job Number One is to Stop Using ‘Sky as an Open Sewer’

January 18, 2022

In an interview with CBS News on his 400-acre farm in Tennessee, wealthy environmentalist fear-monger and former vice president Al Gore  declared that our planet-saving “job number one is to stop using the sky as an open sewer.”

Gore’s 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth, you will recall, earned him an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize, despite his apocalyptic weather predictions not having come to pass.

CBS News asked Gore if people think of him as a farmer.

“I don’t think so and truth to tell, I don’t have many calluses on my hands either,” Gore replied.

“His team handles most of the farm work, tending to the sheep and raising the animals that help fertilize the land where they are growing everything from carrots and beets to a variety of greens,” CBS News reported.

CBS’s glowing report on Gore included advancing the idea the weather can be controlled by human practices and that, predictably, time is running out.

“Job number one is to stop using the sky as an open sewer for all this man-made global warming pollution,” Gore said. “That’s what’s making the weather crazy and dangerous—leading to all of the consequences that are on the TV news almost every night now.”

Gore went on: “This crisis is still getting worse faster than we’re deploying the solutions. There is a remaining question about whether we can solve it in time.”

And according to Big Government, Green New Deal radicals like Gore, who have exploited scary environmental scenarios for over 50 years, the death of the planet is always just around the corner.

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