Gillibrand: Paid Leave, Child Care, Caregiving – All ‘Infrastructure’

Gillibrand: Paid Leave, Child Care, Caregiving – All ‘Infrastructure’

April 7, 2021

Republicans have slammed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for a tweet gone viral on Wednesday claiming that Democrat pork such as paid leave, child care, and caregiving are now considered “infrastructure” and thus are legitimate line items in President Joe Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure proposal.

Paid leave is infrastructure. Child care is infrastructure. Caregiving is infrastructure,” she tweeted, incurring a wave of sarcastic responses.

Abortion is infrastructure. Gun control is infrastructure. Forced unionization is infrastructure. Whatever the Left wants is infrastructure. You know what’s not? Roads & bridges. ONLY 5% OF BIDEN’s “INFRASTRUCTURE” BILL IS ROADS & BRIDGES,” Sen. Ted Cruz shot back.

Gummy bears are infrastructure. Stuffed unicorns are infrastructure. Scented candles are infrastructure,” tweeted Newsmax TV host John Cardillo.

Infrastructure normally refers to such structural tangibles as railways, bridges, and roads, but the Democrats have apparently redefined that language, as they always do, to mean whatever they want it to mean as long as it furthers their agenda. In this case, “infrastructure” now includes paid leave, child care, caregiving, housing, kitchens for healthier school lunches, corporate tax hikes, eldercare, and research and development to address myth of man-made climate change.

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