Gates Pledges $1.5 Billion for Climate Change Initiatives, Prepares to Mine Greenland

Gates Pledges $1.5 Billion for Climate Change Initiatives, Prepares to Mine Greenland

August 14, 2021

Breitbart News reports that mega-wealthy Microsoft founder Bill Gates has reportedly pledged $1.5 billion from his climate investment fund, Breakthrough Energy, toward so-called “climate change” initiatives as part of the Democrat’s Trojan Horse infrastructure bill. Coincidentally, this announcement comes just days after Gates and his billionaire friends announced their lucrative plan to tear apart Greenland in search of minerals.

Gates told the Wall Street Journal that all clean-energy initiatives must “get the costs down and to be able to scale them up to a pretty gigantic level.” He added: “You’ll never get that scale up unless the government’s coming in with the right policies, and the right policy is exactly what’s in that infrastructure bill.”

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement Thursday, “Breakthrough Energy Catalyst’s commitment shows that the private sector is ready to lead the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve a net-zero economy by 2050. Paired with the historic investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda, these investments will unlock new technologies to position the U.S. as a global leader of the clean energy economy—creating good-paying jobs for all kinds of workers in all pockets of the country.”

Green energy initiatives will actually not create good-paying jobs for anyone except super-rich elites like Gates and his buddies Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg, who have entered into a joint venture with the London-based mining firm Bluejay to mine for raw materials in Greenland that could be used in electric vehicles.

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