Gallup: Biden Hits Lowest Approval Rating of Presidency

Gallup: Biden Hits Lowest Approval Rating of Presidency

July 24, 2021

According to a new poll released by Gallup, decrepit President Joe Biden’s approval rating is now at the lowest point of his presidency.

The poll taken from July 6-21 shows that the fraudulently-elected Biden has a 50% approval rating, plunging six points from a 56% rating in June.

Unsurprisingly, the puppet of subversive radicals Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett received a near-unanimous 90% approval rating from his fellow Democrats, versus only 12% of Republicans (which begs the question: how is it possible that even one Republican could approve of the far-left Biden’s agenda so far?). Forty-eight percent of Independents approved of Biden’s term up to this point.

That Biden has numbers even this high is testament to the propaganda power of the mainstream media (which is in fact the state media) and other cultural influencers on the left. Because any clear-eyed, objective view of the Biden administration’s accomplishments so far would reveal only massive economic failure, unprecedented racial division among Americans, the complete collapse of our southern border, and international humiliation.

Biden has been more disastrous for the country in his first six months than Barack Obama was in his entire first term. But he’s just getting started.

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