Environment Hypocrite DiCaprio: Earth ‘Literally’ Has 9 Years Left

Environment Hypocrite DiCaprio: Earth ‘Literally’ Has 9 Years Left

January 22, 2022

In an interview with Deadline, actor and environmental hypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio warned that planet Earth has “literally” nine years left on its “ticking clock,” and that “we should not have any elected leaders, on a state level, on a city level, or a national level that don’t listen to science.”

In his latest film Don’t Look Up, two astronomers played by DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence try to warn mankind of an approaching comet that will destroy Earth. But instead of taking the astronomers seriously, the comet becomes politicized. The film goes on to make several thinly veiled references to the Trump administration, and poke fun of former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

DiCaprio said “it is incredibly hard to tackle the subject matter” of climate change in a two or three-hour long movie, as he believes that the “ramifications of climate to the environment” are “a slow, deadly roll.” But “I really just felt like [director Adam McKay] cracked the code with this idea of it becoming a comet, and have society and the media and people make it a partisan issue.”

In the film, earth has six months until the comet hits, but DiCaprio told Deadline that the real world has “literally” nine years left on its “ticking clock.”

“Much like this movie, there is a ticking clock,” said the jet-setting star, whose carbon footprint is the equivalent of that of a European nation. “I think there’s a worldwide sense of anxiety about the fact that the powers that be, the private sector, governments, are not making the transition fast enough. We literally have a nine-year window.”

Nine years. Mark your calendars, everyone.

“And we should not have any elected leaders, on a state level, on a city level, or a national level that don’t listen to science, especially in this country,” he added, before going on to claim falsely that the U.S. is “per capita the largest polluters in the world.” The largest polluter is actually China, but criticizing the communist regime there is off-limits in Hollywood.

“We’re all crossing our fingers that Biden can make one of the more substantial plans to at least implement renewables,” DiCaprio said. “So, vote. Vote for people that are sane.”

Yes, vote for people that are sane. Good advice, Leo.

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