Emanuel: For the Right, Masks Infringe Freedom But ‘Paramilitary Troops’ Don’t

Emanuel: For the Right, Masks Infringe Freedom But ‘Paramilitary Troops’ Don’t

July 27, 2020

Sunday on ABC’s This Week, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Republicans seem to consider a mask mandate to be an infringement on personal liberties, but not “paramilitary troops” sent into cities to quell rioting.

“You have to be very clear,” Emanuel began. “The police and the superintendent of that police department are in charge, because the federal operation undermines community policing.” Except that in these riot-torn, Democrat-led cities, there is no community policing taking place. The police are either overwhelmed or have been told to stand down by Democrat leaders who see the chaos as a way to undermine President Trump.

“I don’t understand the Republicans,” he added. “Somehow, wearing a mask is an infringement on your personal liberties and freedoms, but sending in paramilitary troops uphold American values.”

Here’s the difference, Rahm: the mask alone is not the issue, as you know; tyrannical, economy-destroying Democrat lockdowns and arbitrary authoritarianism are. And what the left likes to call “paramilitary troops” are in fact federal agents upholding law and order in ravaged war zones, because Democrat leaders will not.

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