Wednesday on MSNBC’s Deadline, race-baiting Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson urged white people to help the Marxist revolutionary Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement by holding their racist relatives “to account” at family gatherings such as Thanksgiving.
“There are many things that white brothers and sisters can do [to help],” Dyson said. “First of all, they can operate within their own sphere, within their own comfort zones. When you go home for Thanksgiving, and you know that there are some nasty viewpoints being expressed and you know that there are some vituperative expressions being made against black people, you got to hold your family to account.”
Dyson didn’t suggest what people could do if there were vituperative expressions being made against white people.
But “not nastily,” he continued. “Now eat your Thanksgiving first, get the turkey and your stuffing and dressing and your pumpkin pie, don’t be silly. But after you consume the beverages and you have frivolity, speak to them in your own circle, not nastily but directly, also at your own place of business. What are you doing to make sure that different voices are heard, different bodies are there, different perspectives are had?”
Dyson didn’t say if that means including a perspective that is critical of BLM’s violent, anti-American, black supremacism.
“In your own institutions of higher education, are you making sure that people studying this as a measure of studying what happened in America as American history?”
Is he joking? Our so-called institutions of higher learning are saturated with pro-BLM indoctrination and propagandistic perspectives on American history. Universities are literally hostile to any student or faculty member who dares challenge that Progressive orthodoxy.
Dyson went on to condescend to whites by urging them to have more than “one black friend,” to “talk to indigenous people,” and to educate themselves about the history of race in order to “make a difference as a white person concerned about our culture and committed to racial justice.”
Want to commit to racial justice? Treat everyone the same. Tragically, that goal of the civil rights movement is now rejected as racist by leftist race hustlers like Dyson.