Dyson: Students Should Be Made ‘Uncomfortable’ with Inherited Ignorance on Race

Dyson: Students Should Be Made ‘Uncomfortable’ with Inherited Ignorance on Race

November 4, 2021

Thursday on ABC’s propagandist gabfest The View, race hustler, faux intellectual, and Vanderbilt University diversity hire Michael Eric Dyson declared that students should be made “uncomfortable” about the “ignorance” they inherited regarding race in America.

“Take the Critical Race Theory stuff that is going on here, the genius of the right-wing they know how to package it up and put it down,” he stated. “Nobody knew what Critical Race Theory was a year ago. They ain’t critical. They ain’t run a race. They ain’t got no theory.”

What does that even mean? Dyson was blathering nonsense but none of the show’s adoring co-hosts challenged him on it.

He continued, “You can’t just ask white brothers and sisters who have been participants in a particular problem of oppression how to relieve it. Ask the people who have been victims of it. And then together — Martin Luther King Jr. said the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will together figure out what to do. We have to face some unforgettable truths. The white comfort can not be the predicate for making sure race is not a strategy that can’t be used.”

Huh? It’s disheartening that Dyson’s inability to construct a logical, much less meaningful, sentence is no hindrance to the media handing him a huge megaphone.

He added, “Discomfort is a critical tool to make people learn. When I go to class, I’m talking to my white students, my black students, my Latino students, my Asian across the board. I’m trying to make you uncomfortable enough with the ignorance you have inherited so you can engage in serious thinking about the way the world works.”

Dyson and the Critical Race Theorists have no clue about the way the world works. CRT’s Marxist worldview is a rejection of reality, a racist fantasy about building a utopian world on the ruins of this one.

Racist propagandists like Dyson are the reason universities have degenerated into social justice indoctrination mills.

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