According to a press release from Department of Homeland Security (DHS), open-borders DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas is cancelling contracts to finish construction of the border wall, even though Congress voted to build one.
“They have been directed to build a border wall by Congress [and] they’re just canceling the contracts because they don’t care what Congress does,” said one Hill staffer, who added, “Congress certainly should [sue the agency], but it won’t until after Republicans take back control. The [congressional] Democrats are not interested in [preserving the] powers of Congress unless the President is of a party they don’t like.”
Mayorkas’s statement tries to dodge Congressional authority by claiming it may eventually build a wall, but only after spending time and money delaying the actual building of a wall: “Until and unless Congress cancels those funds, the law requires DHS to use the funds consistent with their appropriated purpose, and beginning environmental planning activities is part of the Department’s plan to do so.”
Environmental planning activities means using the wall construction money to host meetings with opponents of the wall, to fund “additional biological, cultural, and natural resource surveys,” and to “conduct comprehensive and targeted outreach with interested stakeholders, including impacted landowners, tribes, state and local elected officials, and federal agencies.”
These activities will not, however, involve any new construction of a wall — because Mayorkas and the Biden administration quite simply don’t want a secure border.