Dems Call Whitmer’s ‘Governor Barbie’ Campaign ‘Empowering’

Dems Call Whitmer’s ‘Governor Barbie’ Campaign ‘Empowering’

July 21, 2023

As the Barbie movie hits theaters this weekend, tyrannical Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer‘s office seized on buzz surrounding the movie to launch their own “Governor Barbie,” drawing praise from fellow Democrats.

Senior aides to Whitmer reportedly came up with the idea to model a Barbie doll after their boss, putting out a series of photos of the hot pink-clad doll signing legislation, giving speeches, and driving around the country touting how she is “getting things done for all Michiganders.”

“When they showed me the first iteration, I thought it was absolutely hilarious,” Whitmer told The New York Times. “This Barbie is going to be signing legislation! She’s going to be leading!”

Fellow Democrats heaped praise on the”sharp” and “empowering” campaign.

MSNBC host and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki called Whitmer’s doll a “Cool and empowering Barbie.”

“Role models matter! Gov Whitmer grew up watching her lawyer-mom, Sherry, wear fuchsia blazers to court shouting “fuchsia is my power color!” Love to see all of this,” praised Democrat strategist and former Hillary Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri.

“We love a Governor in PINK! Especially ours, because Big Gretch knows that reproductive rights and gender equity are essential components to a thriving economy filled with opportunity for everyone,” tweeted Planned Parenthood of Michigan.

However, some Twitter users complained the campaign was “cringe” and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

“Next time you hit a pothole and have to buy new tires or pay your DTE bill, remember a portion of your taxes went to a staffer making Barbie videos all day,” one critic tweeted.

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