Daleiden: Kamala ‘Prostituted Her Law Enforcement Powers’

Daleiden: Kamala ‘Prostituted Her Law Enforcement Powers’

August 19, 2020

In an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday, Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden said Kamala Harris prostituted her powers as CA’s attorney general for the benefit of Planned Parenthood.

“Kamala Harris is the biggest threat to First Amendment civil liberties and First Amendment civil rights that our country has ever seen, in my opinion,” said Daleiden. “While she was the attorney General of the State of California, Kamala Harris, at the behest of her political patron — Planned Parenthood — targeted me for criminal punishment solely because of the content of the message that I was publishing and speaking at the time as you mentioned the undercover video series showing top-level Planned Parenthood officials callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of tiny aborted baby hearts and lungs and livers and brains.”

Daleiden concluded, “[Harris] was blatantly mixing her political constituent services functions with her law enforcement powers and basically prostituting her law enforcement powers to the service of her political campaign donors.”

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