Daily Beast Praises Pelosi’s Negotiation Skills

Daily Beast Praises Pelosi’s Negotiation Skills

January 28, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) celebrated the end of the partial government shutdown on Friday by sitting down with leftist media commentators and bragging about manipulating President Trump into agreeing on a temporary reopening to allow negotiations over a border wall to take place.

“First you start with a feather,” Pelosi told the Daily Beast, “then you move to a sledgehammer.”

The Daily Beast praised Pelosi for refusing to allow Trump to deliver a State of the Union speech on the House floor and saying, “no” repeatedly to his request for $5.7 billion in funding for the wall. “Not many politicians have gone up against Trump and emerged victorious, with their dignity intact,” the article said. It concluded by calling Pelosi the “most powerful woman.”

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