Cuomo Seeks Way to Sue Gun Companies as ‘Public Nuisance’

Cuomo Seeks Way to Sue Gun Companies as ‘Public Nuisance’

July 9, 2021

During his gun control speech on Tuesday, lethally incompetent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the reinstatement of a law designed to allow gun companies to be sued under the pretext of “public nuisance.”

Breitbart News notes that this puts New York on a collision course with the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which Cuomo intends to counter via New York’s Public Nuisance Liability for Gun Manufacturers.

National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Mark Olivia warned that “The law signed by Governor Cuomo would decimate the firearm industry while doing absolutely nothing to reduce crime. This law isn’t just for New Yorkers to go after gun companies in New York, but would extend that reach to haul in gun companies from other states into New York courts in attempts to hold them accountable for the criminal actions of individuals who have no relationship with those companies. These cases were repeatedly thrown out of court before PLCAA was enacted because they were junk lawsuits then. They’ll be junk lawsuits now.”

The PLCAA does not grant immunity but it does protect gun makers from frivolous suits, like the ones Cuomo and the 2nd Amendment-hating left hope will harass gun manufacturers out of business.

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