Cuomo on Nursing Homes: ‘We Did Everything We Could’

Cuomo on Nursing Homes: ‘We Did Everything We Could’

May 19, 2020

Tuesday on MSNBC, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo dismissed the growing scandal that his administration failed to protect nursing home residents during the coronavirus pandemic, claiming hilariously, “We did everything we could.”

“I’m getting criticized now for doing too much,” Cuomo oddly claimed. “I have the strongest national provisions in place where staff of nursing homes must be tested twice per week, and the nursing homes are upset that this is too burdensome for them to do it. I understand it’s burdensome. I understand it’s the most aggressive in the nation, but I also understand this is the most vulnerable population in the most vulnerable place.

“We will have lost many Americans in this, but the only solace we’re going to be to take is we can say we did everything we could, and we didn’t lose anyone for want of medical care, precautions, et cetera,” he asserted.

This would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. His policy requiring nursing homes to accept recovered COVID patients is to blame for thousands of deaths.

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