Cuomo Advisers Altered Report that Undercounted COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths

Cuomo Advisers Altered Report that Undercounted COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths

March 8, 2021

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that advisers to lethally incompetent, serial sexual harasser Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York intervened with officials of the State Department of Health in July to press them to underreport the number of coronavirus deaths in the state by at least 2,800.

In a story titled “Cuomo Advisers altered Report on COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths: Changes resulted in a significant undercount of the death toll attributed to long-term-care facility residents,” the WSJ reported that “Cuomo’s top advisers successfully pushed state health officials to strip a public report of data showing that more nursing-home residents had died of Covid-19 than the administration had acknowledged, according to people with knowledge of the report’s production.”

The New York Times offered a similar account, citing new documents and interviews with six people involved in the concealment of deaths: “The June numbers showed the actual death toll in nursing homes was ‘roughly 50 percent higher’ than the numbers ultimately cited by the Cuomo administration.”

This is particularly damning in light of the fact that Cuomo tried to paint himself as a hero of the coronavirus pandemic while blaming former President Trump for mishandling the disease.

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