Cruz: Democrats Will ‘Parachute’ Michelle O. in to Replace Biden

Cruz: Democrats Will ‘Parachute’ Michelle O. in to Replace Biden

September 21, 2023

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated on Monday that he believes the Democrat Party will “parachute” former First Lady Michelle Obama in to replace President Biden in the 2024 election, arguing that former President Barack Obama is the “puppet master” running the Biden administration.

Monday on his podcast, “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” Cruz discussed the possibility that Biden will not be the nominee for the Democrat Party in the upcoming election noting that the odds of such a scenario have “risen significantly” given that Democrats are now “nervous.”

He stated:

They’re looking at polling numbers that show two-thirds of Americans think he’s too old to be president. They’re getting nervous about all of the evidence of Biden corruption — you’ve got Hunter being indicted, you’ve got all the connections to Joe, and then what we’ve seen in recent weeks is the media is turning on them.

“And remember the role of the media. Sadly, they’re no longer journalists; they no longer report news,” he added. “They are the left-wing of the Democrat Party, and when the media turns on the presumed Democrat nominee, I think that is the cutting edge of the Democrat intelligencia saying we may have to cut bait and find someone new.”

According to Cruz, if by the time of the Democratic National Convention in August Biden’s “mental diminishment” worsens, it becomes “obvious to anyone that he can’t find his shoes,” and Democrats begin worrying, the event will serve as an opportunity to “parachute” a replacement in.

“The Democrat kingmakers [will then] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” he suggested, adding that “you don’t infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win.”

“This is the Obamas saving the day,” he stated.

Cruz also expressed his belief that Barack Obama is “already running the Biden administration,” serving as a “puppet master” behind the Biden White House. “I don’t think Joe Biden is the decision maker,” he stated.

“And so when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, I think the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August of 2024 have risen dramatically,” he added, “and that ought to scare the hell out at anyone who is unhappy about the direction this country is going and doesn’t want us to go even crazier, in an even worse direction.”

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