Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s Your World, Rep. Jim Clyburn said the only violence he saw in Washington D.C. were police on horseback moving back peaceful protesters last Monday.
Asked if Americans might start turning to President Trump as the law and order candidate, Clyburn replied, “That’s Donald Trump’s wish. That’s what I think of it. That’s his wish. That’s the game he’s playing. I’ve been saying to all my constituents and everybody that will listen, we must not play their game. When I was playing sports, the one thing that I knew that if my opponent ever got me to playing his game on his turf, he would win. Violence is not our game. That’s the president’s game. Insulting people, that’s not our game. That’s the president’s game.
“The only time I saw violence in Washington, D.C., was the horseback riders driving people off the streets,” he added. “That’s when I saw it. That, to me, is his game. That’s not our game. We will not play his game. If we play his game, he’ll win. We play our game, we’ll win.”
The game Clyburn and his fellow Dems are playing is a toxic mix of racial agitation and class warfare. That’s a recipe for a Trump re-election.